班名 File Name 題 目    Title キーワード  KeyWord
1班 71stA1ver.pdf 米の計算と江戸の食文化 俵 1石=10斗=100升   1俵=3斗5升=0.35石
∼A calculation of rice and food culture in Edo period∼ straw rise bag 1koku=10to=100shouu=3to5shou=0.35koku
2班 71stA2.pdf 払米蔵~米はいくらになるか~ 米の量 単位変換
Amount of rice  Amount of rice Changing the unit
3班 71stA3.pdf 比と運賃 比 
Ratio and Fare raito
4班 71stA4ver.pdf 灰吹法 ~銀の精製~ 割合
The tool of making silver from ore percentage
5班 71stA5.pdf 両替について 両替
About money exchange money exchange
6班 71stA6.pdf 利息算 利息 借金
Interest calculation interest debt
7班 71stA7.pdf 複利計算を用いて求める利息 利息 元金
The interest to find using Compound interest calculation interest debt     principal
8班 71stA8.pdf 利息を求めよう 1両=4分 1匁=1/60両=10分
Let’s find an interest 1ryo=4bu 1monme=1/60ryo=10bu

班名 File Name 題 目    Title キーワード  KeyWord
1班 71stB1ver.pdf 入籠に割り当てられる値段の求め方 入れ子算
How to find the price assigned to Ireko Irekozan
2班 71stB2.pdf 体積を用いて木材の値段を求める問題 木材 お金 体積
Thisproblem is that we calculate wood price with cubic. WOOD MONEY VOLUME
3班 71stB3.pdf 木材の体積と値段  円積率
Wood volume and price Quadrature of circle ratio
4班 71stB4.pdf 板の挽賃と長さの関係 木(板) 銀5分
RELATIoNof the length of board and the price Wood(Board) The silver coin of 5bu 
5班 71stB5.pdf かりまめの値段はいくら? 刈豆
How much are Karin Ames? Karin Ames
6班 71stB6.pdf 田んぼの面積を問う 台形,長方形
Ask the area of the rice field Trapezoid,Rectangle
7班 71stB7.pdf 江戸時代の検地と和算 田んぼ,三角形の面積,計測地,図形,高さ
Land surveying and Japanese mathematics in Edo period. rice field, square of triangle,discharge site,figure,height
8班 71stB8.pdf 畑の横の長さを図形の性質を用いて求める」他 開平方 図形の性質 田畑の長さ
Obtain the length of the side of the field using the nature of the figure Square Root

班名 File Name 題 目    Title キーワード  KeyWord
1班 71stC1.pdf 単位面積あたりの米の収穫量 米の収穫量
Harvest amount of rice of per unit area Crop of rice
2班 71stC2.pdf 追加税の求め方 年貢,口米,追加税,石,升
solution of another tax kuchimai anothertaxgoku syo
3班 71stC3.pdf 数と式
Figure and Equation      tax
4班 71stC4.pdf 三平方の定理を使った土手の面積の求め方 馬ふみ 鉤股弦 曲尺
How to purchase the area of the bank using the Pythagorean theorem Horse step Pythagorean theorem L‐shape ruler
5班 71stC5.pdf 川を3人で分けよう 台形 川の形
Let’s separate the river Trapezoid  The shape of the river
6班 71stC6.pdf 土手を作るために働く人数と土手の長さを求める 荷  馬踏み
Find the number of people which functions and the length of the bank to make a bank. ka the pathway
7班 71stC7.pdf 左官手間賃 京間の法 手間賃
Pay The plasterer for his labor Kyoto-style-room Wage
8班 71stC8.pdf 長屋の屋根を覆うのに①かかる総額②枚数 √の計算&台形の面積の求め方
1stThe total amount it takes to cover a roof of the row house  2ndThe number ・Calculationof√&Howtopurchasetheareaofthetrapezoid

班名 File Name 題 目    Title キーワード  KeyWord
1班 71stD1.pdf 屋根の修理代 勾配 つか
Repairing price of roof inclination mound
2班 71stD2ver.pdf 松葉曲尺を使用し家の垂木の高さを求める 三角形の性質
use the pine needle gauge and ask for the height of the rather of the   house The nature of the triangle
3班 71stD3.pdf 隅木に関する問題の誤りの証明 隅木 曲尺
The proof of  the mistakes of the problem about  the angle rafter an angle rafter   a carpenter's square
4班 71stD4.pdf 高下水モル台ノ図 高下、曲尺、見当
the stund which finds level ups and down,ruler,point
5班 71stD5.pdf 距離を測る道具                               糸 
A tool to measure distance       thread  
6班 71stD6.pdf 江戸時代の掛け算 掛け算
Multiplication Multiplication
7班 71stD7.pdf 米・大豆・麦の量と代銀の求め方   比 
The way to search the amount and money to buy rice,soys,and wheat ratio
8班 71stD8.pdf 銀の割り当てについて 増減
About mathematics play of the Edo area increase and decrease
班名 File Name 題 目    Title キーワード  KeyWord
1班 71stE1.pdf お金の物語 銀の分与 割合
Episode of money sharing of silver rate
2班 71stE2.pdf 値の幅から求める財産配分 方程式 財産分与
Dividing of estate by wide equation Property distribution
3班 71stE3.pdf 各組に銀を配った時の枚数 銀貨
Number of pieces when silver was distributed to each group Silver coin
4班 71stE4.pdf 酒の量について 前日に残った酒の量
About the amount of liquor Amount of sake remaining on the previous day
5班 71stE5.pdf 生と死の分かれ目 方程式
Dead or alive Equation
6班 71stE6ver.pdf 馬の数をうまくあわせる 弐→二 拾→十  廿→二十
Match the number of horses well Two Ten Twenty
7班 71stE7.pdf 距離と速度から時間を求める 速度
 Or how to find time from distance and speed speed
8班 71stE8ver.pdf 等差数列を用いて配分を求める 等差数列
Sequenceofnumberswithcommondifference Sequenceofnumber withcommondifference

班名 File Name 題 目    Title キーワード  KeyWord
1班 71stF1ver.pdf 文字を使って物の数を求める 扇子、花、子供
how to know the nimber of things to use character fan、flower、children
2班 71stF2.pdf それぞれの銃の弾数と重さを求めよ 一次方程式 銃
Find number and weight of each gun bullet Linear equation  Gun
3班 71stF3.pdf 二つの宗教の僧数,経数,組数における文字式 天台宗、禅宗、法華経金剛般若経
Character expression of two religiou tendai-religious, zen-religious, hoke-kyo  kongouhannya-kyo
4班 71stF4ver.pdf 同じ升数で買う時の商品の値段 他 等分米、大豆、麦 金利
The price of the item when we buy  them same volume 
Ask interest on debt
divide rice,soybean,barley,interest rate
5班 71stF5.pdf 江戸時代の人々の土地の分配 坪 石
Landdivisionof Edo period Tsubo  Goku
6班 71stF6ver.pdf 米と大豆の量&代金を求めよう 連立方程式 差分 金,銀の相場
Let‘s find the amount & price of rice and soybeans Simultaneous equations Difference Gold, silver quotations
7班 71stF7.pdf 角中と星中 連立方程式
SEICYUandKAKUCYU simultaneous equations
8班 71stF8.pdf 三組差分で畑の面積を求める 連立方程式  租税 畑の面積
Demand a area of field by using 「SANKUMISABUN」 simulteneousequation、 tax、area of field

班名 File Name 題 目    Title キーワード  KeyWord
1班 71stG1.pdf 加法の方程式の基本~求める数を文字で置く 年貢  干支
Basic of plus equation ~Put on character as answer price    japanese zodiac
2班 71stG2.pdf  数の単位について  四則計算
 About Tax of Rice Four arithmetic operations
3班 71stG3.pdf 納金高を求めよう!! 年貢(納金) 五分の一
Search for Land Tax!! Land tax  One-fifth
4班 71stG4.pdf 馬と荷物と鎧の代金を使った三元一次方程式 三元一次方程式、代金の計算、馬
3yuan linear equation using the price for horse and armor and baggage 3Yuan Linear Equation,Caluculation Оf The Price,The Horse
5班 71stG5.pdf 3つの布の売買からそれぞれの値段を知るには 連立3元1次方程式
Methodoflookingforthepriceofseveralclothfrombuyingandsellingofthreepieceofclothes Simultaneouslinearequations
6班 71stG6.pdf 二種類の布の値段を求める 連立方程式
The price of the 2 kinds of cloth simultaneous equation
7班 71stG7ver.pdf 8元連立1次方程式を用いて求める靏1羽の値段 8元連立1次方程式
Value of crane to find using Simultaneous linear equation in eight unknowns simultaneous linear equation in eight unknowns
8班 71stG8ver.pdf 木の種類ごとの使い道 7元1次方程式
The way of using each kind of trees 7 yuan primary equations
班名File Name題 目    Titleキーワード  KeyWord
1班71stE1.pdfお金の物語銀の分与 割合
Episode of moneysharing of silver rate
2班71stE2.pdf値の幅から求める財産配分方程式 財産分与
Dividing of estate by wideequation Property distribution
Number of pieces when silver was distributed to each groupSilver coin
About the amount of liquorAmount of sake remaining on the previous day
Dead or aliveEquation
6班71stE6ver.pdf馬の数をうまくあわせる弐→二 拾→十  廿→二十
Match the number of horses wellTwo Ten Twenty
 Or how to find time from distance and speedspeed
SequenceofnumberswithcommondifferenceSequenceofnumber withcommondifference

班名File Name題 目    Titleキーワード  KeyWord
how to know the nimber of things to use characterfan、flower、children
2班71stF2.pdfそれぞれの銃の弾数と重さを求めよ一次方程式 銃
Find number and weight of each gun bulletLinear equation  Gun
Character expression of two religioutendai-religious, zen-religious, hoke-kyo  kongouhannya-kyo
4班71stF4ver.pdf同じ升数で買う時の商品の値段 他等分米、大豆、麦 金利
The price of the item when we buy  them same volume 
Ask interest on debt
divide rice,soybean,barley,interest rate
5班71stF5.pdf江戸時代の人々の土地の分配坪 石
Landdivisionof Edo periodTsubo  Goku
6班71stF6ver.pdf米と大豆の量&代金を求めよう連立方程式 差分 金,銀の相場
Let‘s find the amount & price of rice and soybeansSimultaneous equations Difference Gold, silver quotations
SEICYUandKAKUCYUsimultaneous equations
8班71stF8.pdf三組差分で畑の面積を求める連立方程式  租税 畑の面積
Demand a area of field by using 「SANKUMISABUN」simulteneousequation、 tax、area of field

班名File Name題 目    Titleキーワード  KeyWord
1班71stG1.pdf加法の方程式の基本~求める数を文字で置く年貢  干支
Basic of plus equation ~Put on character as answerprice    japanese zodiac
2班71stG2.pdf 数の単位について 四則計算
 About Tax of RiceFour arithmetic operations
3班71stG3.pdf納金高を求めよう!!年貢(納金) 五分の一
Search for Land Tax!!Land tax  One-fifth
3yuan linear equation using the price for horse and armor and baggage3Yuan Linear Equation,Caluculation Оf The Price,The Horse
The price of the 2 kinds of clothsimultaneous equation
Value of crane to find using Simultaneous linear equation in eight unknownssimultaneous linear equation in eight unknowns
The way of using each kind of trees7 yuan primary equations