B1甲 球の表面積と立卵形の体積の求め方.pdf
The method of obtaining of surface area of sphere and volume of rifurangate.sphere
B2乙 さまざまな立体の体積を求める公式.pdf四角錐, 1/3
Formula for various three-dimensional volumes.quadrangular pyramid  
B3丙 玉の数を求める.pdf体積の公式,等差数列
  Find The Number Of  BallsFormula of volume,Arithmetical progression
B4丁 円と正三角形・球と正四面体の高さの証明.pdf図形の高さ, 正四面体,正三角形
Proof of the height of circle and the equilateral    triangle,     the ball and the regular tetrahedronheight of figure, a regular tetrahedron, an equilateral triangle
B5庚 玉の上に玉を乗せた全体の高さは.pdf三平方の定理 正五角錐 高さ
The overall height with the ball on balls The Pythagorean theorem,  Pentagonal pyramid  Height
B6辛 正三角形の一辺の長さを求めよう.pdf三平方の定理, 相似
Let find the length of one side of the equilateral triangle.Pythagorean theorem, Similar figures
B7壬 正六角形の一辺と外接円の半径は 三角形の内接円の直径は.pdf相似な三角形, 三角形の面積 
A side of the equilateral hexagon and a radius of the circumscribed circle/A diameter of the triangular inscribed circlesimilar triangles, Square of triangle
B8癸 図形を分解しながら求める円の直径の証明 三角形の相似比を用いた図形の一辺の長さの証明.pdf中勾, 相似
Proof of the length of a side by using similarity of a triangle/Proof of the length of one side of the graphic using the similarity ratio of triangle.height, similarity

C1甲 三角形に内接する図形の面積.pdf三角形
An area of a figure come in contact with triangle Triangle
C2乙 三角形中にある大円を知る方法.pdf三平方の定理, 比
How to know the great circle that is in the trianglePythagorean theorem, the ration 
C3丙 三角比と相似.pdf証明, 相似, 三平方の定理
Triangle and Similarity  Certification,  Similarity, Pythagorean theorem
C4丁 三平方の定理を利用した鉤股円方起の求値法.pdf直角三角形, 直径, 直角三角形の斜辺
Method for the answer to “koukoenthuhoki” by using Pythagorean propositionA right triangle, Diameter, hypotenuse
C5庚 図形の長さを三角比・平方根を用いて求めよ.pdf三角比, 平方根
The measurement use ratio of the size of mansionTrigonometric  ratio, Square root
C6辛 三平方の定理と三乗根.pdf三平方の定理 二乗 三乗根 角錐 円錐 三乗
The Pythagorean theorem and the cube rootThe Pythagorean theorem Square, Cube root pyramid cone cube
C7壬 双弦股起、径矢弦四の起.pdf三平方の定理, 円の性質, 平方根
sougennkoki,keiyagenyonnokiPythagorean theorem, The nature of the circle, The square root
C8癸 弧、矢、弦の間に成り立つ形の弧の長さを求める方法.pdf弧、矢、弦
Method for the length of the arc of the form to make ends meet.Arc, arrow, and string.arc, arrow, string

G1甲 掛け算~九九の始まりと計算の基本~.pdfかけ算
Key Words Multiplication ~Basic calculations and ninety-nine of beginning~Multiplication
G2乙 数の単位について.pdf単位, 数
the unit of number Unit, number
G3丙 三平方の定理と三角形の面積の解法.pdf角径定法, 三角定法
solution of the area of the Pythagorean theorem and triangleKakkei methot, Triangle methot
G4丁 正五角形と円が成す弦矢を求める証明.pdf弧矢弦, 弦矢, 正五角形
Proof to find the Genya formed by regular pentagon and the circleKoyagen, Genya, Regular pentagon
G5庚 正八角形と円の面積,円周率.pdf定法/定義, 歩数/面積, 廻法/円周率
Space of regular octagon and circle, piformula, area, pi
G6辛 円と四角を用いた定義の証明.pdf面積
Graphic definition of the certification using the circle and squarearea
G7壬 蕎麦形の公式の根拠.pdf蕎麦形, 対角線
Grounds of Sobagata’s formulaSobagata, Diagona
G8癸 切籠と球.pdf根源, 切籠, 球
Kiriko&GlobeReason, Kiriko, Ball